How to handle the stress of moving house

June, 2022

We, as humans, have a hard time dealing with change, so it’s not a surprise that relocating to a new home can unnerve us. That upheaval is one reason why selling a house can be stressful. The other big factor is not having any control over the outcome. 

Of course, everyone handles stress differently; but selling a home is one of those things that creates worry in just about everybody. The process can affect your finances and emotions. It often relies on timing and negotiating skills. It’s also chaotic and a lot of work. Luckily, there are some things you can do to make it easier on yourself and your family.

It’s not just you

If you’re feeling stressed about selling your house, you’re not alone. Selling your home is up there with the most stressful life events you will ever encounter. That along with dealing with the death of a loved one, divorce and losing your job.

It’s also worth noting that sometimes when moving home could be because of starting a new job, after divorce or the death of a spouse, when a new child is born, when the nest is emptying, or to become the caretaker of an ill or elderly relative. These amplify the stress surrounding the sales process.

Conquering fear of the unknown

Sometimes it is unnerving selling a home, this could be because you don’t understand the processes involved when it comes to selling your home, or it could be because you don’t understand the estate agency jargon that is used.

Below are 2 blogs which will help you understand the selling process and give you some insights to the terminology estate agents use:

Teaming up with the right agent

Team up with an estate agent who will help you manage the stress of selling your home. It is important to find the right agent: Someone who you have a rapport with, who communicates well and someone who is willing to take the time to explain anything you don’t understand. An agent who knows the market and is good at their job and will be there for you every step of the way. They can help market the home, show potential buyers around, negotiate any offers that come in and deal with the whole post sales process which is vital to ensure a smoot completion.

Control what you can

Selling a home means accepting that a lot of things are out of your control. It’s impossible to predict how long a house will be on the market for and what the sale price will be. Letting go and living with the uncertainty is difficult and can create anxiety 

Many people feel better by taking charge of things they can control, such as; finding a solicitor and start the paperwork, have a home buyers survey completed on the house to show potential, start getting quotes from removal companies or storage units.

Why is my home not selling? 

Just because a house is in a desirable area, in great condition, and at a great price, doesn’t mean it’s going to sell straight away. Waiting and wondering is stressful and can fill a seller with uncertainty. Is the price too high? Is there something wrong with the house? Is the agent being proactive enough? Will it ever sell? 

Click here to find out more about the reasons why your home might not be selling, and what you can do to improve its appeal.

Handling displacement

Keep your house clean to avoid stress before any last-minute viewings. Having strangers traipse through your house can be a source of stress and discomfort, make sure your agent knows what your house rules are to minimise this discomfort.

  • Set designated places to store away things quickly for a viewing.
  • Pack away breakables or valuables so they’re in a safe place.
  • Arrange for someplace to go when the estate agent wants to show someone around your home.

Open houses are being handled differently since the COVID-19 pandemic to maximise safety for everyone involved. Talk to the estate agent about the protocols they have in place. They should be able to reduce any fears you have for you and your family.

One way to handle the displacement and reduce stress is to plan some time away for a short vacation. The estate agent can show the property to multiple buyers while you’re off enjoying yourself.

Dealing with big emotions 

Moving can bring excitement about your new home, but sadness about leaving your old one. A couple’s first house or the place where their child took his/her first steps has emotions attached. It can also be an issue if you have kids, especially if they’re leaving the friends and school that have become familiar.

Click here to learn more about moving home with children.

If you are downsizing, there is the added stress of not knowing what to do with all of your things or not know if your items fit in the new home. There are lots of things to think about when downsizing.

Click here to learn more about downsizing.

It’s helpful to focus on the new home and all it has to offer. It’s bound to have something that’s an improvement over the current home. If it’s in a new area, investigate the fun things to do there. Plan to take a trip to check things out. Learning the lay of the land will help to make the move less scary and reduce anxiety. This can also free up the home for an open house.

It’s also common to have cold feet, but don’t lose sight of the reasons for selling the house in the first place. Keeping the goal in mind should reduce worry about the decision to sell.

Make time for yourself

When stressed about selling a home, it’s important to take time out from all of the repairs, cleaning, packing, and planning to take care of yourself. 

Physical activity is a common remedy for many people; work out, take a walk or a bike ride, or do some yoga. Take time out of the day to engage in a favourite hobby or sport. Even sitting down to watch a movie or read a book can take your mind off of stress of selling your home. Getting plenty of rest and eating healthy foods can make you feel good.

Most importantly, be aware that feeling stressed out when selling a house is normal. Give yourself a break and stay positive. There is an end in sight and you will sell your house

Are you thinking of selling?

Now is a great time with many properties receiving multiple viewings and multiple offers, and in many cases, sales are agreed for significantly more than the asking prices.

To book a market appraisal, please click here.



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