How to declutter your garage?

September, 2022

Garages are a useful storage space to keep your household organised, at least that’s how it’s supposed to be! Many of us end up piling our garages with junk so that there’s barely room for the car anymore. If you can relate, perhaps it’s time to start decluttering?

Hopefully with these useful tips you can start to declutter your garage and maintain it.

Start decluttering

Decluttering the garage is one of those jobs that most of us tend to put off. When you’ve run out of excuses, it’s time to get going! The easiest way to declutter your garage is by creating three different piles; one pile is ‘keep,’ another is ‘sell,’ and the third is ‘donate.’ Once you’ve created these three piles, you can remove the ‘donate’ and ‘sell’ items from your garage.

Organise what’s left 

Now you’ve just got your ‘keep’ items; it’s time to organise these properly. If your possessions are all chaotically thrown together, it’s difficult to find what you need. Perhaps you don’t have enough shelves or storage cupboards in your garage; if so, now is an excellent time to change that? Use floating shelves that provide you with more floor space, or compact boxes that can be stacked easily. Organise the items in your garage according to frequency of use. Store the things that you don’t often use on the highest shelves or in the most difficult to reach boxes. Keep your frequently used items stored in an easily accessed place. When you declutter your home, you’ll find that the atmosphere feels more relaxing and less chaotic

Scrub it up 

Now that you’ve got everything tidy and organized, it’s time to start cleaning your garage space. Use green cleaners or try a baking soda and vinegar solution to keep pour planet healthy. If your garage looks clutter-free and clean, you’re more likely to make an effort to keep it this way.

Try an app

Apps can help us with just about every part of our lives, cleaning chores included! Home Routines is an excellent cleaning app which allows users to design checklists for various ‘focus zones’. Using the app you can schedule when and how to clean your garage, kitchen and bathroom. You can receive cleaning task alerts and tips too! Cleaning out the garage sure is one of those jobs to put off. While you’re on a roll, try getting round to those other jobs which don’t often get your attention. Whether it’s your oil tank disposal, cleaning out your gutters or painting your fences, get those jobs done, and improve your kerb appeal!

When the garage is finished, it could be an idea to give the door a nice lick of paint? This season, it’s all about pastel colours such as pale green, baby pink, light blue. Whichever colour you go for, why not paint your front door to match?

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